Freshwind Christian Fellowship

Following Jesus Together

Who We Are

Freshwind is a funny little community of people who don’t do church well. We rarely start on time, regularly forget to take the offering, chat during service, and expect to be interrupted often by children or disabled people. We have no programs, no building, and soon we will have no services.

When Freshwind was started, some 20 years ago, a deliberate decision was made to have God as our target group. God said that if we would make him our target, he would come and he would bring his friends. So worship and listening prayer became two of our highest values. We wanted to be a resting place for God, and we also wanted to let God be our pastor and leader. We developed a culture of listening to God together in our decision making and in our preaching times. John 6:45 says we will all be taught by God, and we have found that to be true.

From the beginning, we put great importance on marginalized people. Jesus said that the pillars of our church would be the disabled, the children, the prodigals and the poor. These are people we have sought to listen to and learn from, and we have found that they have wonderful things to teach!

Now Jesus is directing us to close Freshwind as a church with public services. We are a group of people who know how to hear God and have experienced his heart for the marginalized, and we are being unleashed on the world! We have no idea how that will look, but it promises to be very interesting.

For the time being, this website will be maintained as a resource for the Freshwind community as we seek to be the church wherever God places us.

Statement of Faith

Listening Prayer

Becoming a Prophetic Community